Category: <span>Letter 2 The X Year Old Me</span>

Home / Letter 2 The X Year Old Me

Dear 5-year-old Phoeby,

Is it strange that I have not thought about you until recently, in therapy? Is it also normal that I think of you as not being a part of me? I’m sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I am Phoeby; I am over 30 years old and I am in some way you. I feel...

A 14 Year Old me, Sweet precious!

A 14 Year Old me, Sweet precious!

First of all I love you. I love you for your strength and your resilience. You have weathered so many storms with such gracefulness. I love how you have always managed to keep your smile even on days where it took the last bit of strength to. I love how you have managed to stay...

Love at 31

Love at 31

You just turned 31 and that isn’t the only thing giving you a glow is it? It’s that guy that kept you awake till like 3am. Sis you need to get some sleep. You know he will still be there to chat with tomorrow right? Well, that’s if he stays! A lot of them don’t...


Dear vHonani

I hope you read this letter again when you are 30, I hope you laugh at how  impatient you were with yourself. Knowing you, you would have probably forgotten about all the pain and sadness your early 20’s were filled with.I hope when you read this it’s such a distant memory. I’m writing this letter...


To the 30 year old ME.

Hey Sherh, how are you? By now, I know you are big. Like really big. Ha Ha!. Well, I hope you still maintained the body I have now. Be careful not to have destroyed your health and skin and if you have, get that credit card and do what’s right. You got the money, right....


Dear 14-year old ME

[22:06, 2016/06/01] I wish at that tender age somebody had handed you a life manual to memorize, so you’d know better what to expect from the never ending discoveries of this life journey. Honestly, being younger is far easier than the responsibility that comes with being an adult. Your sister will tell you that you...